Wentao Ma

Master Student @ University of Toronto

VLM / Robotics / Computer Vision
26' Master of Applied Computing(CS) @ University of Toronto
24' MSc Computing(AIML) @ Imperial College London
23' Bachelor of Computer Science @ Beihang University

University of Toronto
College St, Toronto, ON, CA, M7A 1A2
Email: tonyyyma [at] gmail [dot] com

Open to Research Intern / PhD / MLE Intern / SWE Intern


Currently, I'm a Master's student at University of Toronto focusing on AI and ML. The topics I'm focusing on are the applications of VLMs, including their combination with Robotics and Computer Vision models. Before that, I spend one fantastic year in Imperial College London, where I solid my foundations in AI. I got my bachelor's degree from Beihang University, School of ShenYuan Honors College, and my major is Computer Science.

During my studies life, I had several research experiences and some papers published, which can be seen below. Besides, I worked as an intern in some famous international companies, such as TikTok, Sony, etc. Detailed information can be seen below.

I'm interested in all kinds of sport, including snowboarding, surfing, and tennis. Besides that, I like hiking and traveling. Now I'm practicing my photography skills.

I'm currently looking for Research Intern / PhD / MLE Intern / SWE Intern / Full-time MLE / Full-time SDE positions. Feel Free to contact me!



Language Models as Zero-Shot Robot Trajectory Generators

Supervised By Dr. Edward Johns, Robot Learning lab, @ICL

Robotics / LLM / Vision Models

Sept. 2024

LLM Echo Chamber: personalized and automated disinformation

Machine Leanrning and Cyber Security Symposium (MLCSS), Imperial, 2024 [paper] [code] [video]

Supervised By Dr. Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Computational Privacy Group, @ICL

Red Teaming LLM / Finetuning / Prompt Engineering / Full Stack

Boosting Transferability of Adversarial Patches with Visual Relations

Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), AdvVision Workshop, 2023 [paper]

Supervised By Dr. Aishan Liu, @Beihang

Robust Deep Learning / Computer Vision / Adversarial Patches


Smart Camera, Semiconductor Solutions Group, SONY

Edge AI Engineer Intern

Video Object Tracking / Model Qutilization / Edge Computing

Sep.2022 - Feb.2023 [website] [Project]


Research Intern, Supervised by Dr.Yueming Jin

Video Object Segmentation / Surgical Video / Attention Machanism

June.2022 - Jan.2023 [website]

Native End, TikTok Pay, ByteDance

IOS developer Intern

Objective-C / REST API / CICD

June.2022 - Aug.2022 [website]

A Muti-object tracking model based on CenterNet


grayscale adjustment / Fast Fourier Transform / JPEG


a toy compiler of sys_y grammar


Hotel Renting System
A website, a back-side server, a crawler for infos, a db in MySQL


a C/S structured communication software


Selected Awards

Outstanding Graduates of Beihang University --- 2023
Honorable Mention of Mathematical Contest in Modeling --- 2022
Scholarship for Academic Excellence of Beihang University --- 2020/2021/2022
Scholarship for Discipline Competitions of Beihang University --- 2020/2021/2022
Third Prize of Beijing Municipal Physics Competition --- 2020
Excellent Student Leader of Beihang university --- 2020

Student Work

Hurricane Skateboarding Club of Beihang University --- Director --- 2021
Honors College of Beihang University --- Mentor --- 2021
Student Union of Beihang University --- Leading Member --- 2020

Thanks (with no order)

@ Imperial College: Dr.Edward Johns, Teyun Kwon, Norman Di Palo, Dr.Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Nataša Krčo, Igor Shilov, Olivia Ma, Sarthak Das, Pinyu Cao
@ Beihang University: Dr.Xianglong Liu, Dr.Aishan Liu, Shunchang Liu, Ruixiao Xu, Songze Li
@ Sony: Mr.Bojie Zhang, Mr.Eric Gao

© Wentao Ma | Template From Dr.YueMing Jin | Last updated: Sep 2024